Thursday, 21 June 2018

HIGH FIVE ~ Programming tips [C#]

Hello World!

Over my tenure as an engineer I got a lot of insights into the C# language (which BTW is Microsoft's own language :D )

This blog post is an effort to share *five* of those tips with all you folks in order to write more efficient and readable programs ! :D

If you work with C# as your main programing language or if you happen to work with any oops language, I hope these tips and tricks can prove beneficial :

1. Use XMLDocs:

These are the stubs you write over functions/classes describing what they do, usually xml docs for public members in the API is advised (especially would be important for functions we expect users to implement).

Read more about this here: XMLDocs

2. Be Lazy :

The concept of Lazy Initialization is initializing only when the object is being used for the first time in the program. This saves us a lot of time and memory and makes programs more efficient,

Lazy initialization is primarily used to improve performance, avoid wasteful computation, and reduce program memory requirements. These are the most common scenarios:

  • When you have an object that is expensive to create, and the program might not use it. For example, assume that you have in memory a Customer object that has an Orders property that contains a large array of Order objects that, to be initialized, requires a database connection. If the user never asks to display the Orders or use the data in a computation, then there is no reason to use system memory or computing cycles to create it. By using Lazy<Orders> to declare the Orders object for lazy initialization, you can avoid wasting system resources when the object is not used.

  • When you have an object that is expensive to create, and you want to defer its creation until after other expensive operations have been completed. For example, assume that your program loads several object instances when it starts, but only some of them are required immediately. You can improve the startup performance of the program by deferring initialization of the objects that are not required until the required objects have been created.
  • Apart from the performance benefits, lazy initializations are also thread safe
Read more here: Lazy Initialization

3. Use LINQ and a LOT OF LINQ:

LINQ is Language Integrated Query, these are usually inherently optimized codes that you can use to perform queries and operations on data.

Advantages of LINQ:
Familiar language: Developers don’t have to learn a new query language for each type of data source or data format.
Less coding: It reduces the amount of code to be written as compared with a more traditional approach.
Readable code: LINQ makes the code more readable so other developers can easily understand and maintain it.
Standardized way of querying multiple data sources: The same LINQ syntax can be used to query multiple data sources.
Compile time safety of queries: It provides type checking of objects at compile time.
IntelliSense Support: LINQ provides IntelliSense for generic collections.
Shaping data: You can retrieve data in different shapes.

4. Do justice to your Exceptions: 

Throwing exceptions at the right time  with the right message and variable information proves immensely beneficial rather than failing silently. Make sure you catch all the possible exceptions in any code implementation with an appropriate message that provides me values of variables or outputs of functions that would have messed up in the stack trace, so as to debug and resolve the issue better.

5. DRY your code:

DRY implies for Do not Repeat Yourself
In The Pragmatic Programmer, DRY is defined as “every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system”.
This emphasizes on code reusability, it's better to contain a logic at one place and calling it from different places rather than have that logic re-written everywhere you want to use it. It improves code readability and saves a lot of time while refactoring or modifying the logic.
You can read more about it here: 
So these are the five tips for now. Topics like lazy initialization and LINQ needs there own separate blog posts in detail that I'd be covering hopefully soon along with more fun tips on programming in upcoming HIGH-FIVES.
Till then enjoy programming, and share in comments below if you have some really cool tips/tricks/suggestions for efficient programming, or which one is your latest learnt trick?
Would love to hear back!

Take care! Keep hacking!
See you in next post soon!

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